Monday, November 02, 2009

JRuby Embed (Red Bridge) Update

Since my last post about JRuby Embed (Red Bridge), it has been vastly changed. JRuby Embed codebase has been merged into JRuby! JRuby 1.5.0 will have Red Bridge inside in its both binary and source archives. Along with this, JRuby Embed wiki pages also have been merged into JRuby's wiki, Embedding JRuby section.

Now, JRuby Embed project is almost in end-of-life period. I'll soon close jruby-embed users ml since it is natural to talk at jruby-users/jruby-dev. Besides, most of discussions have done on jruby-users ml. Jira is also going to be merged into JRuby, but this will be done after JRuby's jira is completed moving from codehaus to kenai. Anyway, JRuby Embed users, please use jruby's ml and jira. JRuby's embedding seciton of jira would be good for us to file issues. However, I'll keep source code repository for JRuby 1.4. JRuby 1.4 has JRuby Embed binary but doesn't have sources. The binary that JRuby 1.4 has is built from codebase of this project, so it still has a reason to be there.

One of the biggest changes is JRuby Embed 0.1.3 has been released from JRuby Embed Project. It will be included in upcoming JRuby 1.4 release. In this release, default value of local context type has been switched from threadsafe to singleton. See the discussion about it. Please make sure your choice is the best to your case. Walk through Context Instance Type section to know what you should choose.

The version, 0.1.3 is identical to the one in JRuby trunk ( and also had a fix of JRUBY_EMBED-10. Give it a try. If you find something, file at "JRuby Jira" and ask about it at JRuby's mailing list.


Unknown said...

Hey Yoko
I have been trying to find a contact for on this site or your other japanese only (hatena) site but none of them seem to have any. I run a ruby on rails product startup and am looking to talk to people in Japan and Korea who use this framework as well. If you could drop me a line I would like to bounce some ideas off you. Thanks.

yokolet said...

I changed my profile setting so that you can know my email address in my contact info. Please check it.