To make it work, I added just one simple class, which is clementine_rails.rb below:
module Clementine
class ClementineRails < Rails::Engine
initializer :register_clojurescript do |app|
app.assets.register_engine '.cljs', ClojureScriptTemplate
app.assets.register_engine '.clj', ClojureScriptTemplate
That's it. Then Sprockets finds ClojureScriptTemplate.
Let's try ClojureScript on asset pipeline.
I need Rails app in any case, so I created it. Undoubtedly, my Ruby is JRuby, and is bundler/rails gems installed.
rails new rouge
Then, I added "clementine" gem (a name of ClojureScript template gem) to Gemfile. Since the gem is under development, I specified the directory of the gem.
gem 'clementine', :path => "/Users/yoko/Projects/clementine"
Then, typed
bundle install
so that clementine gem is recognized. I need at least one controller, so, next, I created "Greetings" controller.
rails g controller Greetings index
Well, finally, Clojure stuff comes in. I put the file below in the directory, app/assets/javascripts. The filename is hello.js.clj . This is because Rails asset pipeline strips extensions off. The file, hello.js.clj, will be used as hello.js. Perhaps, the name, "hello" , works, but it doesn't look like javascript.
(ns hello)
(defn ^:export greet [name]
(str "Hellooo " name))
Finishing touch is to add a javascript snippet to use the function defined by ClojureScript. I added three lines in app/views/greetings/index.html.erb:
<p>Find me in app/views/greetings/index.html.erb</p>
When I started Rails and requested http://localhost:3000/greetings/index, I saw the alert box successfully!

Tentatively, I set ClojureScript's option, {:optimizations :advanced}, as default. When I looked the contents of hello.js, I confirmed it was the one ClojureScript compiled.

Although the clementine gem should be improved in various ways, ClojureScript is on Rails asset pipeline. If you are interested, watch
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More articles!
p.s: heavily delayed with merging our branches, serious problems last week (not clojurescript related ;) )
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